Monday, September 19, 2011

Using Web 2.0 tools

On the first day of math class, I would use Posters I created on Block Posters. Each student would have at least on piece, and we would put it together as a class like a giant puzzle. The first one would be easy:

And the second one a little tougher:

I would then explain the concept of a fractal to my students, and tell them abut the math that goes into creating them, and I hope that with these incredible images I can at least inspire in my students a tiny bit of desire to learn math.

Foundational skills are very useful in math, because evey new subject builds on the previous one. Also, students who have a strong command of the foundational skills of arithmetic can effectively focus on the processes involved in solving complex equations. To strengthen my student's skills, I would ask them to practice their multiplication on Their assignment would be to donate 300 grains of rice each week, and perhaps we could even have races in class to see who can reach a certain number of grains the fastest. For their homework, students could send me a screen capture that looked something like this:
At the end of the year, I would create a Survey on and ask my students to complete it. It would look something like this:

Create your free online surveys with SurveyMonkey, the world's leading questionnaire tool.

I would use my students' responses to become a more effective teacher.

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